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Delivery Audit

Understand what is keeping your team from 📦 shipping fast and collaborating smoothly. And find out how to fix it.​
What is it?

📐 A benchmark that uncovers what are the root-causes and solutions for your biggest pains around the product delivery process, team collaboration (including conflicts), culture and organisational challenges like scaling your team.


🎯 At the end you will get a detailed list of recommendations and a plan* that you can put in place for both short term and medium-long term benefits for your team. 


*brutally-honest report, delivered with kindness.

Who is it for?

Serious early-stage startups with teams of 10-50 people that want to shipping faster, optimise their runway, make work more enjoyable and solve organisational problems.

When to do it?
  • When you want to solve a particular problem like: how to increase delivery speed, how to scale the team, improve collaboration, reduce frictions inside the team and more.

  • When entering a new phase after scaling your team, when switching from R&D to building a product, before a reorganisation or before or after a fundraising. 

  • Periodically,  as a health check of your organisation.

How do we do it?

Our method has 3 distinct phases: Investigation, Diagnostic and Prescription & Plan. It's just like going to the doctor but without (too much of) the pain.

🔬 1 - Investigation

  • We interview key people in your organisation

  • Evaluation of multiple perspectives: product strategy, technical stack, efficiency of processes and team and culture.

  • Following-up leads that appear during the interviews


🎯 2 - Diagnostic

  • We make chart of your pains and problems that we uncover

  • We identify the root causes and

  • Uncover risks and opportunities


💊 3 - Prescription & Plan

  • We prescribe a set of recommendations

  • Actionable advice and formulaic solutions to your problems where appropriate

  • An implementation roadmap and a plan so you can clearly understand what it takes to implement our recommendations.

What is the price?

€ 3750 + VAT (if applicable)

How do we start?

Are you sure you want to hear our feedback? Because we'll hold nothing back, but we'll be gentle in the delivery. If so start by leaving us a message and we'll plan discovery call to better understand your needs. And no, we won't charge you anything yet.

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